Zabbix SNMP Traps with logrotate

May 22, 2023

Update firewall rules

First thing we need to do is make sure the firewall is allowed to accept our traps. SNMP is normaly sending traps on UDP port 162.

[zabbixserver ~]# firewall-cmd --add-port=162/udp --permanent
[zabbixserver ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

Setting up Zabbix to receive SNMP traps using

Now that our firewall is configured to receive traps we need to configure our OS to accept traps and sent them to a preprocessing script so that Zabbix is able to read the traps. You could also use SNMPTT but then you need to create some manual rules.

Let’s install the packages that are needed.

[zabbixserver ~]# yum install -y net-snmp-utils net-snmp-perl

We will be using, This is a perl script from Zabbix SIA and it can be downloaded from the latest Zabbix sources HERE Copy the file to /usr/bin

[zabbixserver ~]# cp /usr/bin`
[zabbixserver ~]# chmod +x /usr/bin/`

Update snmptrapd.conf make sure it points to our perl script. Also we need to add here the traps we will accept. This is done by specifying the snmpTrapCommunity string. In this case public.

[zabbixserver ~]# vi /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf

Append below lines to snmptrapd.conf

authCommunity execute public perl do "/usr/bin/";

Enable Zabbix SNMP trapper in Zabbix server configuration file.

[zabbixserver ~]# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


SNMPTrapperFile should be configured in the same file and it should be the same as like it was set in file


Once done we can restart the Zabbix Server. This is needed to activate the new configuration.

[zabbixserver ~]# service zabbix-server restart

We now have to enable and start snmptrapd

[zabbixserver ~]# systemctl enable snmptrapd --now

SNMP trap transmission file rotation (optional)

It’s not needed but highly advised to configure logrotate so that the log file gets cleaned up from time to time. Let’s first start by creating a directory to store the data

[zabbixserver ~]# mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix_traps_archive
[zabbixserver ~]# chmod 770 /var/log/zabbix_traps_archive

Add the below content to /etc/logrotate.d/zabbix_traps

/var/logs/zabbix_traps.tmp {
   size 10M
   dateformat -%Y%m%d
   olddir /var/log/zabbix_traps_archive
   maxage 365
   rotate 10


Let’s test to see if we can receive traps by sending a test trap.

  • [zabbixserver ~]# snmptrap -v 1 -c public '.' '' 6 33 '55' . s "eth0"
  • zabbixserver ~]# snmptrap -v 2c -c public localhost ’’ i 123456

Check that trap received in the file /var/log/zabbix_traps.tmp It should look a bit like this:

  notificationtype               TRAP
  version                        0
  receivedfrom                   UDP: []:41840->[]
  errorstatus                    0
  messageid                      0
  community                      public
  transactionid                  2
  errorindex                     0
  requestid                      0
  DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance type=67 value=Timeticks: (55) 0:00:00.55
  SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0      type=6  value=OID: IF-MIB::linkUp.0.33
  IF-MIB::linkUp                 type=4  value=STRING: "eth0"
  SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB::snmpTrapCommunity.0 type=4  value=STRING: "public"
  SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 type=6  value=OID: IF-MIB::linkUp

We are done with setting up the SNMP trapper. The PDU info can be removed by editing the zabbix_traps.tmp file by removing the PDU block in the file.


That’s it we have set up our OS to accept traps and configured the trap receiver to sent traps to Zabbix in a format it can read. The only thing left now is to create those items.

Also if you need help optimizing your Zabbix environment, or you need a support contract, some consultancy, or training, feel free to contact or visit us at

We are always available to help!