Open Source

We all can use, change and freely share Open Source software. Because of this philosophy many people can design and maintain these software projects. At Open-Future, we believe this mindset guarantees the continuity of software. This is not often found by its Closed Source competitors. Linux and Open Source solutions gives us the freedom to take an existing project and make changes. By doing so it will fit the needs of our customers. We also are able to give back to the community whenever we can.

An important Open Source project is Linux,. An operating system that had over 10.000 people contributing code since its first release in 1991 by Linus Torvalds. A lot of free distributions are available. Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu are some examples. Red Hat and Suse Enterprise are the more commercial versions. Our Open-Future’s employees have a big affinity with these operating systems. We have used, integrated and modified these as needed to provide a smooth implementation for customers.

Like to know more about Open Source software? The Open Source Initiative is a good place to start. You can of course contact us with any question you might have! We can then use our expertise to provide your environment with the open source tools you need.

And do not forget, we organise at regular timestamps Linux training. See therefor our training offerings.