Zabbix Certified Specialist (ZCS)

You’ll learn how to deploy, configure, and maintain a Zabbix instance from scratch. You’ll also obtain practical knowledge required for configuring monitoring endpoints, learn a variety of metric collection and problem detection techniques, and become familiar with a variety of monitoring concepts.

Course information

  • Products covered: Zabbix 7.0
  • Format: Up to 12 students
  • Duration: 5 days
  • Course requirements: None
  • Recommended skills: Basic experience in Linux operating systems
  • Next level: Zabbix Certified Professional Level 3
  • Previous level: Zabbix Certified User Level 1
  • Price : 2145 €
  • Price Combi : ZCS + ZCP 3762 €

Course program

Day 1

  • Zabbix main components
  • User interface overview
  • Setting up a personalized user profile
  • Zabbix definitions: items, triggers, etc.
  • Creating and configuring a host
  • User macros and tags
  • Data collection using simple and SSH checks
  • Zabbix agent, Zabbix agent2 plugins

Day 2

  • Zabbix agent active and passive mode
  • Making data human-readable with units and value maps
  • Data collection intervals
  • Data transformation using preprocessing
  • Problem detection using triggers
  • Cause and symptom problems, trigger dependencies

Day 3

  • Zabbix proxies
  • Working with templates
  • Data aggregation with calculated items
  • Bulk data collection using dependent items
  • HTTP data collection and synthetic web monitoring
  • Log file monitoring
  • SNMP monitoring
  • Database monitoring

Day 4

  • Java monitoring
  • Inventory data collection
  • User management using user groups and roles
  • JIT provisioning with LDAP and SAML
  • Sending notifications and executing remote commands
  • Maintenance periods
  • Services monitoring (SLA)
  • Low-level discovery basics
  • Audit overview

Day 5

  • Data visualization using graphs, maps and dashboards
  • Zabbix reporting services
  • Zabbix performance tuning
  • Zabbix administrative settings
  • Zabbix releases
  • Zabbix certified specialist upgrade